tips for taking great self portraits with a tripod + self timer

This weekend I'm in Austin teaching a workshop at Texas Style Council about how to take your own self portraits with a tripod and self-timer!  For those of you who weren't able to make it out to Austin, I thought I'd repost (and update) this article I wrote over a year ago with some tips on how to take better self-portraits with just a tripod and self-timer.  I take almost all of my own photos here on the blog, and anytime someone else takes my photos it's always noted right after the outfit details.  You don't need a professional photographer to take great photos of yourself, and I want to empower you to stop making excuses as to why you aren't creating the best photos you possibly can!  Remove the excuses and get out there and start learning to become your own professional photographer! 

Some bloggers are lucky enough to have a friend, significant other, or husband/wife who takes their daily outfit photos, but the rest of us are stuck doing it ourselves with the help of a tripod, self-timer, and maybe a remote. I personally have never used a remote.  Since the beginning, I've always just used the self-timer, so I can't give any advice on using a remote. I've never liked the idea of having to hide the remote and it's already hard enough to "act natural" in front of a tripod, so I felt like adding in the hiding-the-remote factor would just complicate things further. I've been taking outfit photos with a tripod & self-timer for over 5 years now, so I'll let you guys in on some tips and tricks I've learned over the years.


I get a lot of questions about how I get myself in focus when I'm using a self timer. Here's what I do: I autofocus on something at the distance I'll be standing (sometimes this is a tree, a garbage can, etc), and then once that focus is set, I switch the focus to manual, so the focus won't change when I click the shutter. If you don't put your focus on manual, the camera will autofocus to something in the distance and you'll be all blurry and out of focus because the camera focused way behind you when you clicked the shutter/autofocus. If you can't find something to focus on where you're taking photos, use a purse or something to set where you'll stand and focus on that.

For the photo above, I focused on the grass right in front of the back wheel of my bike.  Then, I set focus to manual so it wouldn't change, made sure my camera was on the 10 second self-timer setting and clicked the shutter.  Then I went and sat right where the focus was set: in front of my back wheel.  Voila, in focus!  I really like taking photos with my bike because it's something I can place in the frame to set the focus.  Then, I can either remove the bike and take photos without it, or I can just leave it in the photo, depending on how I want the photos to look.

For the photo below, I focused on the trunk of the tree, just out of frame to the right.  For the photo next to the turquoise wall, I focused directly on the wall, and then moved my camera and tripod back about two feet, so then the focus would be set two feet in front of the wall, which is where I wanted to stand.  The top photo in this post had the focus set on the little blade of straw/grass to the right of me.



I don't know about you guys, but taking photos of yourself with a tripod & self-timer is kind of, well, weird sometimes. Especially if you're trying to do it in a public place. I personally have found I have a hard time taking photos that look natural if there are people watching me, or walking by. I get stiff and the photos just don't look as good as when I'm alone without strangers staring at me.  I'm better at taking photos in public now, but I still find the photos I like best are taken in more private locations. Try to find places that are vacant so you can feel free to be silly and do whatever photos you want, without feeling awkward. I do a lot of jumping and spinning photos, and those are even weirder to try doing with people around!

I find that an alley is a good place to take photos.  People don't walk down alleyways as much as they do sidewalks.  Finding a park with some wooded areas are great, not only because they are more private, but because you have lots of things to set your focus on!  Other places I've found are relatively vacant: Parking garages, sidewalks in quiet neighborhoods, behind buildings,  and if you really want super privacy: your backyard or your living room.  I find those can be difficult to make look good depending on the lighting you get inside your house, and how picturesque your backyard is.  


I've found that my favorite place to take outfit photos is the woods. Unfortunately, oftentimes the forest doesn't have a flat floor, but lucky for us, tripods have adjustable legs! If you find a great place to take photos in the woods, but the ground is uneven, just adjust the legs to make the camera level. I've taken lots of photos on some pretty steep hills, but because the legs adjust on my tripod, I can make it work!


I always have a phrase to use if someone comes up and asks me what the heck I'm doing. Mine is that I'm working on an assignment for a photography class (a self portrait assignment, maybe?). I find that it's easier than trying to explain the whole, "well, I'm a style blogger and I take photos of what I wear every day" thing. That usually just perplexes most people and then they ask me more questions when what I really want is for them to move along and let me finish taking photos. Kind of silly, but it's nice to have an answer ready so you don't panic and start rambling on to a stranger about your odd behavior.  Don't let them make you feel like you're doing something wrong, because you're not (unless you're like trespassing or something). 


The more photos you take, the more likely you are to have a few good ones to choose from for your post!  If you take five photos and you post five photos, then you have to post even the ones you don't like very much.  If you take 50 photos, you're likely going to be able to pick five photos that you really like.  I've done self timer photo shoots where I took 100-200 photos.  I think my standard is usually 30-70, though.  Once you have a groove down, you can set things up pretty quickly and take quite a few photos in a relatively short amount of time.  


It's nice to know which poses usually yield good photos. Sure, sometimes it can get repetitive and you don't want to take 30 photos of you in the exact same pose.  Outfit photos in general can be relatively repetitive and it's nice to have poses you know well that result in photos you like.  Even professional models have go-to poses that they know look awesome every time.  I like to always do some shots with my go-to outfit poses, but then also try out some different things that may not result in good photos, but can be fun if they happen to turn out.



Remember to get shots of the details of your outfits, like your shoes, some cute buttons on your dress, or fun jewelry you're wearing.  Shots like this add variety to the images in my blog posts and are visually interesting.  Change angles at your location, don't take all your photos with the tripod in one place.  Move around, find different backgrounds, take photos at different distances.  Maybe get a full length shot or two, a couple mid-distance shots from the thighs/hips up, and then a close up detail shot.  


I love getting photos that capture movement because they show more of how your outfit reacts to motion. I like to see how fabric looks when it's in motion, as well as seeing how an outfit looks when a person is stationary. I think it's interesting that almost all fashion shows are done with the models walking, in motion. Seeing clothing move can be a lot more interesting than seeing it just sitting there motionless. Plus, clothes are designed to move with us, so it's nice to see it actually doing that!


And not just in the pigeon-toed-look-at-my-feet blogger pose way. While I definitely take plenty of those kinds of photos, I also like to look off in the distance (corny, I know!), or turn my back to the camera.  It adds variety to your photos, and also gives you a chance to show of different angles of your outfit.  Not looking directly at the camera gives photos a more candid feel as well, as if you're unaware of the camera.  It can make you look more natural, rather than posed and rigidly looking into a camera lens.  Obviously you know the camera is there, but acting like it isn't can result in photos that are much more natural and relaxed.


I'm not a big fan of seeing 10 outfit photos of someone standing in the same place with slight variations on the same pose. Granted, I'm guilty of it at times when I'm not feeling very creative or am being more lazy, but I love outfit photos that are visually interesting in addition to showing my outfit. One way to help your photos be more interesting is to use some different angles. This can be a bit more difficult if you're using a tripod, but the more you get comfortable using a tripod & self-timer, the better you get at making it work to get the angles and compositions you want!

Sometimes using a self-timer and tripod and be really frustrating, but don't give up! True story, I've gotten so mad trying to take photos that I've thrown my bike and screamed after trying to get shots of myself riding it (I think PMS may have contributed to that incident...). It can be hard to take outfit shots with just a tripod & self-timer, and there will for sure be times you wish you could just have a professional photographer boyfriend to take your outfit shots every day, but I love the independence that taking my own outfit photos has given me. I don't need to have someone around to do my photos, I can take my own! Whenever, wherever!  And taking your own photos helps you get better at photography in general.  You'll learn about composition, how your camera works, what lighting works best, and more, just from practicing it all the time.

Want some more tips for photography?
Q + A // What's you're post processing routine?
Q + A // Should I spend my money on a great camera body, or great lenses?

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This is a great post. I often don't take any outfit photos because I get too frustrated with my tripod and self-timer. These tips are really going to help add variety to my blog posts! Thank you for being such an amazing inspiration always! ♥
The original post of this is how I discovered your blog! I love the new added tips, thanks!!
Absolutely love this post!!! These tips are fantastic, I get so frustrated with taking my own photos sometimes, but manual focus will definitely be a life saver, it's tougher in the winter when it's -20 and i just want to get them done quick, but practice makes perfect. I get SUCH strange reactions, i've gotten way ballsier in the past year about taking my photos, but I usually just say I'm a photographer and then people stop asking questions. Also for some reason having my dog there helps curb peoples stares and questions?
Definitely book marking this post :)
I adore the shot of you between the two trees, sunshine glowing red through your hair.
It's Anne of Green Gables all the way!
Love the photo tips, too :) I hope to keep improving on that front!
My biggest hurdle is trying to get those great narrow-depth-of field-shots. Usually I just get frustrated trying to set my focus and end up photographing myself against a wall. But this post has definitely shown me that it can be done and inspired me to try again as we'll as giving me new ideas for ways to set my focus. I can't wait to do another shoot now! Also looking forward to learning more from you at TxSC tomorrow!
I'm so glad you have this post! you have so many pictures that it's easy to see what you are explaining. !
This is so inspiring! You always look so natural in your photos, so I assumed - for the longest time - that you had the most patient significant other in the world - lol - but was floored when I found out you took them all yourself. :) I'm definitely pretty shy, so I've never full-on tried shooting myself out and about like this, but your photos are so encouraging! You rock, Elizabeth.
I had no idea you took your own photos........
I absolutely suck at using my self timer. LOL. I can never seem to get it to focus correctly! I usually love my remote, but I tend to loose the damn things... case in point, I haven't taken photos for months because I'm currently searching for my camera remote post move...
These are great tips. The point about coming up with a good excuse for what you're doing is one I've never seen on posts like this before! Will also be using the one about focusing your camera right too xoxo
I'm obsessed with that Red coat, Mustard hat combo. It's so perfect! It's kinda made me crazy excited for fall.

Fashion and Happy Things
What about using a remote control? My camera has one, and I use it pretty often for self portraits! Sometimes I don't hide them very well and you can see it on the photos, so it might need some getting used to as well. Do you have opinions on it?
1 reply · active 608 weeks ago
I don't like remotes because I feel like I can't be as natural in photos because I'd be thinking about hiding it.
This was such a helpful post so thank you for sharing. I really appreciate it. Your photos always look amazing. Hope the class went well :)
Thanks so much for this! I just started taking my own photos, and I needed a bit of inspiration since I have only taken them in the same spot in my room. Tomorrow I'm going to head outdoors and see how I do!
Wow!!! Thanks for sharing this! I just started up blogging, and I feel completely awkward in front of the camera, so these tips definitely help :)
Love this post! i like your idea for this! :)
Irene Wibowo
I started out blogging as a complete cameraphobe, but (hopefully) I improved over the summer! I read the earlier version of this article and it was really helpful as I started figuring out how to use a camera :p Thanks for writing this, I've always admired your photography and this was really helpful!
Wow this is a fantastic post so much handy info. I recently bought a tripod so these tips will be very handy!!
Great post and really useful tips. I'm a little bit camera shy myself, but I think I could use the "exercise". :-)
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
This article is so inspiring! Thank you :)
I have to take my own pics too and I've always find it difficult, but here you gave good tips!
My problem is that I live in Paris and I just can't go in the streets with my camera, not because I don't' want act weird in front of people, but just because if i leave my camera and go a little further for the photo someone could steal it!! So it's always at home or in the courtyard... haha. But I'm going to look for some calm alley as you suggested..
Also how can you take outfit details pics by yourself? This is harder than to take whole outfit pics..
Thanks for your tips and have a good day!!
Great post. This is the second time I've read it, and it rings all the more true!
THANK YOU!! This was an amazing post!! Jordyn from gave me the link to this post and I'm so grateful! I have been having some issues with feeling like an idiot or trying to hold my hand far enough in front of the lens for it to focus and then running over to try to stand in that same
Thank you for your post! I'm a serial chuck-up-a-peace-sign when I have my photo taken and one of my 30 before 30 goals is to be more comfortable with actually being in photos - not just taking them. So thank you again for your tips!
This post is really helpful! I'm just starting my blog and have been debating on whether to use a tripod and these tips have definitely given me the kick in the butt I need to go ahead and try.
Thanks so much for this! I've been wanting to start doing style posts for my blog, and I was wondering how to manage it by myself. Also, welcome to Austin! I live here and am bummed I'm not there this weekend. I hope you're having a great time!
Fantastic post. Thank you for sharing! I found it quite insightful. I've tried my hand at style photos, but I've always become so frustrated with my tripod and self-timer situation that I felt like throwing something and calling it a day. You've got me inspired to try again and practice though!
1 reply · active 607 weeks ago
Uh, I've done that. Many a time. One time I was trying to get a shot of me on my bike and I actually threw my bike in frustration. It can certainly be frustrating! But I enjoy the freedom and independence that being able to take my own photos allows. :)
I love your photos in the woods. It adds something magical :)
I'm definitely going to try to take some shots of myself with the selftimer and tripod!
Thank you so much for the tips! They were so helpful. Also that first shot of you under the "Don't Look Directly at the Camera" is amazing.
This post is amazing!! Thank you so much for all your tips! My fiance takes my pictures, but I know it's not fun for him all the time so I hate asking him to do it more than once a week even if I have a really cute outfit on that day! I will definitely be using some of your tips (maybe even today!).
Great tips, but I am curious why don't you just use a wireless remote? That way you can get yourself in focus without having to first focus on another object and then hurry to that location before the timer goes off. You definitely have mastered the self timer though.
1 reply · active 607 weeks ago
In the first paragraph I briefly address this: "Since the beginning, I've always just used the self-timer, so I can't give any advice on using a remote. I've never liked the idea of having to hide the remote and it's already hard enough to "act natural" in front of a tripod, so I felt like adding in the hiding-the-remote factor would just complicate things further."

I personally can't stand being able to see a remote in someone's hand in photos. For me it takes away from the naturalness of the photo. I almost always notice when someone takes photos with a remote, because even if they are good at hiding it, I can usually still tell they are hiding a remote. In almost all of these photos you can see my hands, so hiding a remote would frustrate me a lot. Not using a remote, I am free to act natural and do whatever I please in the photo without thinking about hiding a remote. Plus, I feel as if I have more control over what the camera focuses on when I set it to manual. Even if I did have a remote I'd probably still set the focus to manual and use the method I currently use regarding focusing.
Wow, that is seriously a great article! Thank you <3 Alex
ALL these photos are self-portraits?! I really love them and I'm truly impressed! :)
1 reply · active 607 weeks ago
Yup. Almost all of the photos on my blog are taken by me, and if they aren't I will make note of it in the post and give credit to the photographer.
Awesome photos - what lens did you use?
Beautiful photos!! And thanks for the great tips!
Great post and very helpful! Thanks for the tips :) I love blogging but usually take pictures of food / places / things precisely because I couldnt quite figure out my camera's self timer feature.

What type of camera do you use?
1 reply · active 582 weeks ago
Gosh I love this!!! So helpful! THANKS SO MUCH!!! :DDD
Some are truly fantastic ! I love each and every costume and wonderful photographs. These look really cool! Thanks for sharing!
Wow! I can't believe that these are all self-portraits! I've often wondered how style bloggers post outfit pics and would never have guess that you were using a tripod and timer, especially for all the angles and details you get. You are a pro!
OMG I love all of your photos. I want to do some of me and my boyfriend this weekend. Do you have any tips for making it romantic?
Thank you thank you thank you do much for this post!!!!!! THANK YOU
Vera from Bucharest's avatar

Vera from Bucharest · 592 weeks ago

Brilliant post and professionally-looking pictures.

I wonder if there is no other way to work with these new cameras.
Focusing something that doesn't exist seems like a very big headache to me.

I don't know how you do it, but I get all my pics blurry with my new camera.
This is driving me nuts. Wth is a self-timer made for if not for talking pictures of yourself?
And if so, wth doesn't it work at all?!

Why don't they invent a focus depth or something to allow to the subject to move in a certain range and not be standing still in the exact same position as the focus expects it to be?!

If you get any answers, please let me know. Thanks.
1 reply · active 582 weeks ago
Like I said in the post, focus on something where you WILL be standing, and then set the focus to manual so it doesn't change. When you press the shutter button the focus will change unless you set it to manual once you've set your focus where you want it. Or, you can manually focus your lens by looking at the distance on the lens, but I find it's more exact if you use autofocus to focus on something near where you'll be standing.
Thank you so much! I'm new at self photography and this answers why I always come out blurry! Thank you!
I agree! Great information and it sounds very easy when you explain these. I can’t wait to try my hands on this and see what I can make out of what I have learned from you. Thanks!
This is so helpful!! Can you suggest a good reasonably priced camera that does good self-shots?
1 reply · active 582 weeks ago
If you want a DSLR, Canon makes some relatively inexpensive cameras in their Rebel EOS line.
Very nice pictures! What kind of tripod are you using? And what should be the minimum height of the tripod?
1 reply · active 555 weeks ago
I use a manfrotto tripod, and the height should be able to come up to your head height when standing, to be able to get head shots.
The getting so pissed part happened to me today. These tips really help. Hopefully my next shoot will be better
Is there a certain tripod model you really like? Some of them feel pretty flimsy. I'm kinda nervous to attach my camera.
1 reply · active 555 weeks ago
I use a manfrotto tripod, they're really great quality :)
thhis is worth sharing to my facebook!
really it helps me alot
i myself uses the tripod and the self timer all the time, bt i just shoot it at home because like you said so, public can be really weird sometimes when ppl just walk pass you and stare at you .
thanks for the tips!
thhis is worth sharing to my facebook!//nreally it helps me alot//ni myself uses the tripod and the self timer all the time, bt i just shoot it at home because like you said so, public can be really weird sometimes when ppl just walk pass you and stare at you .//nthanks for the tips!
i love all your photos!! thank you so much for sharing this. so helpful..
Thanks for sharing this! I'm a newbie blogger and have been trying to figure out how to take my photographs. Unfortunately, I don't have anyone to take my photos...I actually think that using my remote and a tripod will make me feel less self-conscious (although I haven't tried this yet). I just ordered a new lens and tripod. :)
Great tips for taking self portraits! More than that i like the each and every dressing style of the model! Fantastic collection of photographs!
I love this post! Can completely relate and get tips. All your photographs are beautiful x
1 reply · active 562 weeks ago
'Great tips'
That helps me a lot, thanks so much :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! So many helpful tips. My husband and I got married about a year ago and ever since we have decided to go full force to become debt free. I have ALWAYS dreamed of having anniversary photos done each year and with our 1 year coming up I have contemplated splurging for professional ones....even though it would go against our number one goal. After this post I think we are going to give some "self portraits" a try first! <3
Loved the photographs. Simply amazing. Mind blowing work! :)
I read this post before i started my blog 3 mths ago i take all my own pics thanks to you and your great advise i keep gettin better with each post
Great post! I've been trying to figure out how to get better self photos, and this really helps!
I have embarked on a self portrait project for 2015. I am always behind the lens but want to document me and my life too.
Your post was super helpful, easy to read and you illustrated your points with so many beautiful self portraits.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This is an amazing post! I've been asking friends around to take my photos but I wan't more independence, hence, the search for an article like yours :)
I love your tips and your post is the most helpful of all the posts I found online. Love your possing and the locations you take portraits at. I started my blog couple of weeks ago and I'm using your tips every day to get better pictures.
well aren't you beautiful! and clever, great work!
Pilot Jones's avatar

Pilot Jones · 521 weeks ago

Yup definitely doing my own senior shoot lol Thank you awesome article
Thank you so much for this post! I'm new at blogging and have gotten so frustrated with the way my tripod photos have turned out. I felt hopeless with the focus issues, but after reading this I can't wait to try out your tips! So glad I found this!
This was so helpful. Thank you!
I just discovered this post on pinterest and I'm so glad I did ! Thanks for tthe tips and your pictures are gorgeous !!
This was SO helpful!
i am determined to take some of my own maternity photos so i will for sure be playing around with my tripod & camera now that ( after reading this ) i have the confidence to do it! haha
Thank you thank you thank you!
I really enjoyed this post! Great info and very helpful. Thanks for sharing! 😊
I think you've just saved my life! Thank you so much for sharing and its great I found your post :)

Real Life Nerd //
Thank you so much! I am also using self timer too but I only take photos indoors but I really wanted to try outdoor shoots. I'm not lucky to have someone who'll take my daily outfit and it sometimes makes me feel sad xD I'm afraid to try outdoor shoot alone but after reading your blog it gives me courage. So thank you so much for that. This post is really helpful :)
This is such a helpful post! Thank you so much for your insights. I always wondered how to properly focus when using timer/remote. I'm so happy I found your blog, it looks so beautiful! Certainly will be following along.

OFFICIALLY BOOKMARKED THIS PAGE. Girl, I can't believe you took these yourself! I'm uber impressed and going to follow all your tips! Hugs, Kait
Amazing tips! thanks so much. I'm a bit late to the party, but still very useful
Hi Liz, I just came across this post without previously being familiar with your blog, and I RARELY comment on anything on the internet but I just wanted to compliment you on your writing and refreshingly honest (and helpful) way of blogging. Not only do you give useful tips but you write in a way that is actually REAL. (as opposed to the millions of fake 'I love my life, and 'I wake up like this' blogs). I think it's truly a talent to come across so true to who you are without to much trying to be down to earth or making fun of yourself to laugh away the silliness of some things like taking these self portraits.

It's truly admiring and it seems your a lovely person so just wanted to compliment you on that.
Keep up the good work!

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